Fleas in the Grooming Salon

Here in Maine it’s nearly time for flea and tick season again, and in many parts of the country it’s in full swing already. How do you handle pets with fleas in your salon?
Many groomers have taken to requiring that all four legged clients be on some type of topical or oral monthly flea and tick prevention and follow that up with a hefty cleaning/de-fleaing fee if a pet does slip through with those parasites. Mobiles in particular with their small spaces must be vigilant to prevent one clients’ parasites from hopping or crawling onto the next pet. Many salons both mobile and brick and mortar will cancel scheduled appointments rather than risk being the source of an infestation for their clients, which is a substantial loss of income so they count on the additional fee to help cover those costs, as well as the cost of sprays or bombs to assure a pest free environment.
For groomers that do not require monthly prevention another means is necessary to ensure that the salon is less likely to pass on, or be accused of passing on, fleas and ticks. During a thorough check in process signs of fleas can be seen and that dog brought quickly in and popped right into the tub for a flea shampoo. Another popular option is to get signed permission for customers to administer Capstar, an orally administered pill that begins killing fleas within 30 minutes. Some businesses simply turn away any animal showing signs of fleas or ticks and will only accept them back once the fleas have been dealt with.
Whatever means are used to prevent the spread of parasites it’s already time to be utilizing them, even here in Maine where there’s still snow on the ground.


By Carol Visser, Journalist, Master Pet Groomer, Certified Dog Trainer, Pet Product Expert
