Did you know?

Here are a few random grooming tips to try. They may help you groom more quickly and efficiently.

  • Did you know that if you are drying a dog with heavy hard-to-dry ears, such as Cocker Spaniels, Setters, or even Golden Retrievers, there is a way to speed the process up? Start by using a little drying spray, then brush it through. Next, wrap each ear in several layers of paper towel. Finally, put a Happy Hoodie over the dog’s head, holding the towel-wrapped ears in place. By the time you finish drying the pet’s body, those ears will be damp enough to be finished nicely, but it will take only a fraction of the time it usually takes. Not only is this pleasant for you, the groomer, but the dogs will also appreciate it. Most dogs are not fans of having their heads dried, which will reduce the time you spend doing that.
  • Did you know that if a dog comes in with bubble gum, pine pitch, tar, or some other sticky substance in its fur, it will come out quickly if you rub a little coconut oil or peanut butter into it? Massage the product into the and all around the sticky stuff, and let it sit for a few minutes. Then use your comb, and the substance should slide right out. Next, wash the area with a good degreasing shampoo—condition as usual.
  • Did you know that placing a towel or some other absorbent fabric on the top of your grooming table will help you dry pets more quickly? This is because the towel will catch moisture that the dryer pushes off the coat, preventing it from bouncing back up on the dog. It also dulls the sound of the air from a high-velocity dryer, which is a win for everyone.
  • Did you know that if you groom a pet with a limp, stringy coat, washing it in a degreasing or clarifying shampoo and finishing with a very light conditioner will help you achieve a fuller, fluffier finish? Some Yorkshire Terriers are prime examples of this type of coat. The degreasing or clarifying shampoo will make the most of the thin, limp coat by separating every strand of hair and helping them stand out.

Incorporating time-tested grooming tips like these can save you time, energy, and maybe even frustration as you navigate your busy workday.


Daryl Conner, MPS Meritus, CMCG has been devoted to making dogs and cats more comfortable and beautiful for 40 years.  You can find her happily working at FairWinds Grooming Studio with her daughter or typing away at her latest grooming-related article. Daryl was awarded both a Cardinal Crystal Award and Barkleigh Honors Award for journalism.  She shares her meadow-hugged antique Maine farmhouse with her practically perfect husband and a lot of animals.